Missing all your teeth can have a devastating impact on quality of life. It often makes people older than they actually feel.
If bone loss is able to progress, the function of the prosthesis diminishes also. Here dental implants can play huge role and one of the biggest benefits is restored self-esteem. People with securely fitted tooth replacements feel better, look better and enjoy a higher quality of life. There is now the option of getting “teeth in a day” replacing your denture with dental implants being inserted and fixed bridgework placed on the same day , this is known as “all on 4 treatment concept”.
Conventional solutions include attaching the dentures to the gum tissue with either a dental adhesive or by holding it in place with a close seal along the border of the denture. The success of the conventional solutions depends largely on the amount of residual gum and bone tissue. The looseness of the dentures can lead to an unbalanced diet and poor digestion. Benefits of dental implants include:
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