What is a Periodontist?
  • BSP
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  • RCS England
  • EFP
  • QMUL
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  • Young Dental Specialists
  • Bryant Dental
  • Straumann
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  • Zeiss

A specialist periodontist can diagnose, manage and treat difficult gum conditions that a hygienist or a dentist may struggle to treat effectively. These gum conditions are typically severe or aggressive forms of periodontal disease.

What is a Periodontist?

A periodontist is a dentist who has undertaken extensive further training in the identification, management, and prevention of gum conditions.

Is a Periodontist similar a hygienist?

A periodontist is NOT a hygienist. A hygienist needs to work under the strict prescription of a dentist and whereas it is wise to see a hygienist every 3-6 months, this does not replace the value of a periodontist.

Periodontal Disease video, link retrieved from YouTube, uploaded by ToothIQ

A periodontist is trained to :
  • Recognise and treat complicated gum conditions
  • Undertake a prognosis assessment, and thereby recommend and undertake extractions of teeth at complicated gum sites to preserve the rest of the dentition
  • Perform specialised gum cleaning using a variety of special debridement tools called curettes
  • Perform periodontal (gum) surgery to remove pockets if necessary
  • Undertake gum grafting to replace areas of gum recession
  • Undertake plastic surgery of the gums to improve appearance
  • Place dental implants to replace lost teeth
  • Recognise, manage, and treat dental implant complications
Periodontal Disease is associated with heart disease, diabetes, and pre-term infants

We find that many patients with moderate and advanced periodontal disease have associated medical conditions. Dentists are worried about a potential association between periodontal disease and heart disease. For this reason, Antwerp Dentistry clinicians are trained to spot gum disease early and institute an early referral.

When should you be referred to the Periodontist?

Most periodontists receive referrals when the disease process is very advanced. This then becomes a challenge to treat and command a good long term prognosis. It is much better to be referred when gum disease is mild, as this is easier to treat and reverse the disease process.

Obtain your Periodontist referral now
Patients Say
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Dr Manraj Kalsi

Refer patients for:

  • Periodontal Referrals
  • Dental Implant Referrals
  • Endodontic Referrals
  • Mucogingival Referral' (recession or gummy smile, around teeth or implants)
  • Peri Implant Disease Referrals
  • Restorative Referrals
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