Cosmetic gum treatments aim to restore the gum levels to their natural and aesthetic levels. These are aimed at covering the exposed roots in the case of receding gums treatment and at exposing the roots in the case of excess gum (gummy smile), where gum contouring is performed by the surgeon.
This is how we can rebuild the lost gum tissue by taking a small graft from the roof of the mouth and transplanting this on the affected sites. This is also done under local anaesthetic and the results look superb after a short healing period. As the graft is taken from your body there is very little chance of rejection.
Exposed roots or gum recession can be very distressing for some people not just because of the unsightly appearance but also they can be extremely sensitive to temperature as well as certain foods. If this sounds like you then please make an appointment to see our periodontist in order to get specialist receding gums treatment.
Excess gum can be very distressing for some people, not just because of the unslightly appearance, but also because they can be extremely sensitive to temperatures, as well as certain foods. The extra gum can also make the teeth appear shorter than normal. We are able to reposition the gum, usually under local anaesthetic, in just one visit.
The patient leaves with a beautiful smile following the gum contouring and this results in lengths of both teeth and gums being in harmony.
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Teddington Dental
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Sunningdale Dental Practice
@Teddington 020 8977 2911
@Sheen 020 8876 5277
@Sunningdale 01344 620526