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When the inflammation of gum inflammation (gingivitis) persists for a long period, in patients who are susceptible, the gum will start to detach from the root surface and the bone support of the tooth will start to recede under the gum. Due to this progression of bone loss, a deeper pocket is formed under the visible gum line. The tooth has started to lose support. This is known as periodontitis. The gum separates from the tooth surface. Exposure of the root surface following this gum separation and pocket formation then allows the bacteria to migrate deeper under the gum and adhere to the root surface causing further bone loss. Teeth may then become loose and drift from their original position which can lead to gaps forming between teeth.


What is the treatment for periodontitis?

The first line of defence against periodontal disease is actually prevention. This includes a good oral hygiene routine at home. Brushing at least twice a day and cleaning between teeth once a day with floss/interproximal brushes helps prevent plaque from accumulating. Depending on the severity of the disease, more in-depth oral hygiene instructions may be recommended.

Depending on how far the disease has progressed, treatment can vary widely. In the early stages of gum disease, treatment may involve non surgical periodontal therapy (NSPT). This means removing plaque and calculus in the pockets around the tooth and smoothing the root surfaces. NSPT helps rid the mouth of infection-causing bacteria and irritants beneath the gum line. More advanced cases may require periodontal surgical treatment. The goals of this treatment are to remove plaque bacteria and calculus from deep pockets around teeth, reduce the pockets, smooth root surfaces and arrange gum tissue into a shape that will be easier to keep clean. By doing this we are able to preserve the remaining jawbone and therefore keep the natural teeth for much longer.

Stages of Gingivitis
Stage 1

The bacteria secrete chemicals that are toxic to the gum tissues and produce unpleasant-smelling chemicals. This can also lead to halitosis (bad breath) in patients with periodontal disease. The normal depth of a gum crevice around a tooth is 0-3mm. Pockets greater than 4mm are regarded as being impossible to keep adequately clean by normal homecare. It is within these deep pockets that bacteria then proliferate as plaque and continue the destructive process.

Stage 2

This gradually makes the pockets deeper, which in turn fill with an ever-greater volume of plaque bacteria. The disease will continue, often in bursts of activity especially when you are feeling run down or unwell. Unfortunately, once a periodontitis patient, you will always be a periodontist patient however as with diabetes you can achieve stability which is what we are aiming for. Studies have shown that in teeth with deep pockets (>5mm) in patients that were seen regularly for hygiene and who were cleaning at home adequately, that these teeth tended to be lost in the long term without further active periodontal treatment. Such treatment is therefore necessary for teeth with deep pockets to prevent the progression of bone loss and reduce the risk of tooth loss.

Stage 3

Periodontal disease causes gradual loss of bone from around the teeth by infection. If unchecked, the teeth may start to become loose or to gradually drift from their positions under the influence of chewing forces. The bone loss that is seen is not a result of bone infection but is a slow-motion attempt by the bone to run away from the inflammation site.

Benefits of treating periodontitis

The many benefits of periodontal treatment also include fresh breath, the ability to chew your food more easily, healthy gums that are free from infection and again most importantly, helping you achieve your goal of keeping your natural teeth for a lifetime! Whatever the treatment may entail, our goal is to return you to good oral health and then to help you to maintain it. The good news is the earlier it’s treated the more successful the results.

Healthy gums free from infection will bring you benefits everyday:

  • Help preserve your natural teeth for a lifetime
  • Chew food more confidently and easily
Dental Implants
  • Reduced risk of developing tooth decay and need for fillings
  • Be pain free
  • Fresh breath
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Dr Manraj Kalsi

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  • Mucogingival Referral' (recession or gummy smile, around teeth or implants)
  • Peri Implant Disease Referrals
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